A32 Entrepreneurs Forum – Berlin Siemensstadt

Rohrdamm 88 – 13629 Berlin

Be Inspired

From practical tips and scaling more scientific behaviour to a leadership culture to tackle the complexity of our time.

We got it all.

Deep Dive

We will discuss all keynotes with our leading experts, ask critical questions, detect blind spots, and convey new learnings.

Hands-on Practice

Hone your scientific thinking skills within different scenarios.

Let´s Study

In our collaborative studies, we research specific topics, share and build something new together.

From Dots to Picture

Our experts will connect all dots and help us to digest and deepen our learnings.

From Dots to Challenge

We will sketch the fields of learning as new challenges will emerge.

Dining & Networking

Meet scientific thinkers from around the world.

Welcome to the Dojo

roll up your sleeves and hone your skills

Visit one of our dojos and develop the skills needed to deal with increasing complexity.

Collaborative Studies

New Knowledge meets Wisdom

Creating new viable knowledge is a matter of exploring questions. Participate in our collaborative research.

Get inspired

By taking another look at organisational learning

Learn from speakers and panellists from a variety of different disciplines and industries who have one thing in common; The hunt for new insights.

KataCon 2022

What to expect?

Two days packed with the latest insights on adaptive organisational systems and leadership in a complex networked 21st century.

However, KATACON Europe is more than just listening to our panelists and speaker.

With KATACON Europe, we make you a co-creator of new valuable knowledge and help you get in shape for the future’s highly demanded improved value creation.


Day 01 - May 4th

09:00 - 11:00

Inspiring talks about achieving sustainable change

09:00 - 11:00

Running a global Lean change that lasts

Johan Häggström and Pia Anhede

Two long-time experienced Lean transformation leaders, namely Johan Häggström from Getinge and Pia Anhede from Revere, will share their mistakes, successes and learnings approaching flow and creating sustainable systems for continuous improvements.

Scaling Agile do's and dont's

Carl Starendahl

There are 1000 myths and mysteries out there about scaling Agile and Carl Starendahl, an official contributor to the Scaled Agile Framework, probably knows a lot of them. Therefore we are proud to have a chance to listen to Carl who will take us through some of those myths and mysteries and the do’s and don’ts that really make a difference.

Learnings from Zingerman's Mail Order after 18 years of Lean

Eduardo Lander and Betty Gratopp

Zingerman’s is a famous Lean and Kata success story. Both Betty and Eduardo has been there from the start; Betty as a manager and Eduardo as part of his doctoral dissertation. More recently, Eduardo together with Lean Expert Jeff Liker and Tom Root, managing partner at Zingerman’s, wrote a book to compile this inspirational learning journey.

At Katacon, Eduardo and Betty will share their learnings with us and talk about how to and especially how not to work with Lean and Kata in a high-variability business.

11:00 - 12:00

Deep dive and discussions with our panel

11:00 - 12:00

Mike Rother, Sarah Lethbridge and Mike Denison

We will discuss all keynotes with our leading experts, ask critical questions, challenge our thinking and understanding, and convey new learnings.

With Mike Rother, who brought us Toyota Kata in the first place, with Sarah Lethbridge, a former employee of the Lean Enterprise Research Centre in Cardiff, and with Mike Denison, one of the first Lean Leaders at Toyota UK, we have the right people to reflect together on today’s keynotes.

Lunch Break

13:00 - 17:00

Welcome to the Dojo - Time to roll up your sleeves

13:00 - 17:00

The Kata Coaching Dojo

Developing World Class Coaching Skills

Tilo Schwarz

Tilo will talk about a training setup that offers a deliberate way to develop and scale coaching for scientific thinking across your organization.

Hands-on practice and learning

Coaching is becoming an essential skill for managers, consultants and educators for the complex challenges ahead and to unleash the required creativity necessary to persist and thrive.

Choose between various Dojos and Workshops to hone your skills such as Kata, A3, Agile, Building learning organizations and more.

A detailed plan will follow soon.

17:00 - 17:30

Connecting the dots

17:00 - 17:30

Mike Rother, Sarah Lethbridge and Mike Denison

We will connect the dots, digest and deepen what we have learned today and sketch fields of learning and new challenges for our community of scientific thinkers – The rapidly growing Kata Community.

Day 02 - May 5th

09:00 - 11:00

Can we influence thinking patterns and behaviour?

09:00 - 11:00

Scaling Scientific Thinking and Coaching

What did we learn?

Tilo Schwarz

As a community we’ve been practicing Toyota Kata for 13 years. What did we learn and what do we need to learn? Tilo Schwarz will share learnings, insights and questions yet to be answered.

How leaders can become better coaches and build strong teams

Stina Palmqvist

Coaching did become an essential part of developing skills and people. Stina Palmqvist, with a lengthy background in coaching executive MBAs and startups, will give us new insights into what coaching is about.

Slow thinking in the cognitive fast track of Psychiatric patient treatment settings

Klaus-Müller Nielsen and Vibeke Hatting

Chief Psychiatrist Klaus-Müller Nielsen and Change Leader Vibeke will share how Toyota Kata and scientific thinking is used within Psychiatry treatments. What did they expect to happen, what did happen, and what did they learn that we can take with us?

11:00 - 12:00

Deep dive and discussions with our panel

11:00 - 12:00

Mike Rother, Gemma Jones and Aslak Iversen

We will discuss all keynotes with our leading experts, ask critical questions, challenge our thinking and understanding, and convey new learnings. With Mike Rother, who brought us Toyota Kata in the first place, with Gemma Jones, who is a significant contributor to the KataGirlGeeks learning community, and with Aslak Iversen, who is a manager for a Regional Psychiatry in Sweden, we have the right people to reflect together on today’s keynotes. 

Lunch Break

13:00 - 16:00

Welcome to our collaborative studies

13:00 - 16:00

Creating new viable knowledge

We have always planned to come together one day, not solely focusing on the latest learnings but actively researching, creating and building something new – new, viable knowledge.

For the very first time in the Katacon history, we will therefore split up into groups and provoke new insights on the topics of:

Kata Dojo for schools?

Does it make sense to utilize the concept of Kata Dojo within schools and education, and if yes, how can we transfer this concept to students with no practical experience?

Toyota Kata for Innovation?

Our observations show that Kata and scientific thinking can provoke a more creative mind, but can it be used to convert ideas into true innovations?

Kata for Educators?

Are there any benefits practising Kata in education and what are the concerns? What is it that we do not know and understand yet?

Agile and Kata?

Can fake (or zombie) Agile be improved by practising Kata?

Is scientific thinking scaleable?

Is there any model for large scale Kata practice to accelerate scientific thinking? 

16:00 - 17:00

Sharing is caring

16:00 - 17:00

We will get together, share our latest learnings, discuss blind spots and missing links and probably witness our newly emerged challenges. 

17:00 - 17:30

Connecting the dots

17:00 - 17:30

Mike Rother, Gemma Jones and Aslak Iversen

We will connect the dots, digest and deepen what we have learned today and sketch fields of learning and new challenges for our community of scientific thinkers – The rapidly growing Kata Community. With Mike Rother, Gemma Jones, and Aslak Iversen, we have the right people to reflect on what we have learned today and what is now that we do not know yet.

This years
Speakers, Panelists and Workshop Organizers

Johan Häggström

Pia Anhede

Carl Starendahl

Eduardo Lander

Betty Grattop

Mike Rother

Sarah Lethbridge

Mike Denison

Tilo Schwarz

Stina Palmqvist

Vibeke Hatting

Klaus Müller-Nielsen

Tracy Defoe

Sylvain Landry

Gemma Jones

Aslak Iversen

Thorsten Georges

Carsten Klages

Lili Boyonova

KataCon Europe Presents


Meet the KATACON Team

Gemma Jones

Gemma’s mission is to help organisations be the best they can be through a combination of Lean Thinking, Toyota Kata, Visual Facilitation, and Experiential Learning. Gemma is based in Cheshire in the UK.   

Dominik Ortelt

Dominik is a multi-dimensional thinker, systems analyst and advisor dedicated to studying learning systems. He sees scientific thinking as a way to create new valuable knowledge as society faces increasing complexity.

Tilo Schwarz

I’m passionate about helping leaders give wings to their teams. Author & co-founder Campus for Leaders Ansbach University. Supporting leaders to become better coaches and develop their teams’ adaptiveness & creativity.

Joakim Hillberg

Joakim focus is building capability through an integration of training, implementing and coaching clients. He has a long experience from a wide range of large scale improvements in over 15 countries.

Pia Anhede

Pia has over 30 years of experience in the area of implementing lean, organizational change and creating a system of continuous improvement with sustainable results, especially using the Toyota Kata thinking and way of working.